Alexander & Dororthy Menezes

Founders of Carmel Education Society and Carmel High School

Carmel Education Society® was established in 1968 by Late Alexander Menezes, a great visionary who solely intended to provide the best education in the best infrastructure to the ever-growing needs of the students. Carmel High School has grown in leaps and bounds, having its alums spread globally. Smt. Dorothy Menezes, the founder and Principal of Carmel High School, is an exuberant visionary. Carmel High School celebrated its golden jubilee in 2018, and with the support and courage of management, the  Carmel Institution has reached soaring heights.

Roshan & Sandhya Menezes

Founders of Carmel Pre-University College

Roshan Menezes, the Secretary of Carmel Education Society, is a passionate leader and man with a plan. He dreamed of taking Carmel from a K-10 institution to a K-12 institution by catering to Pre-University Education. In 2002 under his leadership, Carmel PU College was initiated to cater to the overwhelming need for good college education. Sandhya Menezes, the founder Principal of Carmel PU College, has taken the College forward with exuberant organizational skills, administrative abilities and charismatic leadership. Carmel always honours its past to plan a brighter future.