Mindler – Career Guidance Programme

Mindler is a registered entity with a singular focus to enable students to take well informed career decisions by leveraging a collaborative, scalable and technology enabled eco system for career guidance powered by machine learning, research and strategic human interventions. Mindler aims to minimize the problem of choosing and pursuing the right career path. Mindler in partnership with Carmel offers career guidance to the students.

Deccan Herald in Education – DHiE

DHiE, an offshoot of Deccan Herald newspaper supplies DH student newspaper which equips students to perform well in competitive exams. It is based on concept of “Learning beyond syllabus”. Also the students are taken on a field visit to the printing press.

Tally Prime Programme

That is Tally Essential with GST is complete guide on Business accounting. Upon completion of the programme learners will be proficient in areas as accounts, taxation and compliance. This is optional for students.